

Hours & Appointments


About Tracy

Basic Chakra Cleansing





Kundalini Yoga:

Currently no Kundalini Yoga is being taught by Tracy, please check back in the future. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you.

The human body is made up of energy. The kundalini is a component of the energy body just like a more common one you may have heard of, the aura or meridians. This is similar to how the heart is a part of the physical body; it is just one component but keeps us alive.  The kundalini is an emanation of the soul itself, the opening of the soul energy and awareness.

Kundalini Yoga (KY) is considered the yoga of awareness.  Just as all rivers end up in the ocean, all yoga's end up rising the kundalini energy body. The kundalini is the creative potential of the human. It is already within us coiled at the base of our spine until we move through certain exercises (or kriya's) and awaken this part of ourselves. As this rises we find our true authentic selves and all the gifts contained in this self. There is an unlimited power of awareness, radiance, happiness, joy, peace and so much more within us just waiting and wanting to be awakened! 
KY is a type of Hatha yoga that focuses on pranayam (breathing techniques), chanting mantras and kriyas with different postures; many that have to do with the spine. 
It is best to wear white natural fiber clothing (cotton, silk, hemp or ramie to name a few) during a class as the energy flows freely through this. We also wear natural fiber white head covers to contain all this radiant energy in our bodies while we practice. These head covers will be provided for your use during class. They are not mandatory but we do invite you to use them as headaches can be common without the use of them.

Every class will always have these parts; first a tune in mantra "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" chanted 3 times, this is calling forth your highest wisdom, the highest wisdom of the universe and blending the 2 energies together, followed by a kriya (a set of exercises - typically 35 to 40 minutes long) a deep relaxation and a meditation of some sort (sometimes with chanting, sometimes silent, sometimes sitting still and sometimes with movement) and lastly, ending with singing the sunshine song and a chant of Sat Nam (Sat means truth, Nam means person, place or thing) to mean "I am my truth". Classes typically run 75 minutes.

The exercise part of the class is typically for any level (unless otherwise specified) as you go at your own pace after the instructor demonstrates the posture and/or exercise. Each exercise within the kriya is typically between 30 seconds and 5 minutes and sometimes you do not even get up of your yoga mat. It can be very physically challenging in many ways though, but you are always your bodies own boss and have the ability to slow down, rest or keep up! You will be encouraged to keep up however in Kundalini Yoga there is no competition, no right or wrong and certainly no judgement.

This yoga was brought to America in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan from India. It was a sacred and secret science that was only taught to those who were considered rich or royal. They did not want just anyone to practice this yoga because it creates tremendous awareness and not all the people were considered deserving or capable of learning the knowledge that could elevate their awareness and give them the abilities that Kundalini does.

Yogi Bhajan, a master of this practice, was lead to the west to share this wonderful yoga of awareness with us and now there are Kundalini Yoga teachers vastly through America.
Tracy has a 15 year background of working with the components of the energy body. The last 5 of those specifically on the chakra's and aura.
With a hunger for more, especially regarding the kundalini, she went to Espanola, New Mexico to the most premier Kundalini Yoga International Teacher Training program anywhere, and studied at Yogi Bhajan's Estate in August 2012. After completing her training and receiving her certificate she is ready and eager to help and assist her students along their path mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Tracy is balanced in her KY teaching as she is tough and aggressive which helps you hold the pose or gentle and compassionate which helps you love and accept yourself wherever you are in your practice. In her KY classes you will learn a variety of kriyas (set of exercises), mantras and meditations all while naturally raising your own self awareness.

Tracy is also a member of IKYTA (International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association) and Yoga Alliance.

Come see if Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan with Tracy Lee resonates with your truth!

"Keep Up and You'll be Kept Up!" Yogi Bhajan
"The more you believe, the more you receive." Tracy Lee